One more breakthrough with research and development in showing that human brain stem cells can function and work outside the donor and function like native cells.  Granted this is only at the beginning stage but opens the door for further imageresearch to where this may someday open up doors for stem cell therapies and treatments for those afflicted with neurological disorders.

The brain cells developed into the appropriate neurons for each part of the brain.  In the news recently, Spain created the first human organ transplant laboratory in where organs that may not be candidates for transplants can be used to extract the stem cells and store them and some will have the potential to be used to grow organs.  In the US, human bladders have been grown and implanted for several women and children and when this gets to the point to where livers can be grown, well that’s a potential new life saving area for sure and so far a small liver has been grown at the facility in Wake Forest, and this is the first step. 

First Human Organ Transplant Laboratory Opens in Spain–Regenerative Medicine

In this case with the rats the experiment shows outside of growing organs that the stem cells can take on the characteristics of the location in the brain where they were transplanted.  The “smart rat” research here stands to open many new doors as this progresses.  The research is looking to use a patient’s own stem cells but there’s perhaps this possibility too with non matched donors as was announced this week in the spinal cord area of research too with an outside donor making it possible for recovery in this area.  BD  

Spinal Cord Injury Patient Treated With Non-Matched Donor Adult Stem Cells Is Walking Again

Scientists in the US have made a major breakthrough that has the potential for people with brain damage, caused by epilepsy or Parkinson's for example, to use their own brain stem cells as a treatment.

Steven Roper of the University of Florida discovered that stem cells from the human brain that were transplanted into the brains of newborn rats matured and were able to function just like native rat cells.

The researchers found that the adult stem cells had the ability to turn into all types of brain tissue in the rats, including the neocortex, which deals with higher processing, and the hippocampus, involved in memory and spatial awareness

Scientists grow human brain stem cells in rats


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