As if there’s not enough pharmacy benefit management taking place at United, the company owns Optum, RX which was formerly known as prescrip...
Amazing Breakthrough With Brain Cancer, Using the Body’s Immune System and the Polio Virus to Shrink and Even Dissolve the Tumors-Game Changing Clinical Trial That Is Working…
This is a phenomenal story and 60 Minutes designated two of their normal 3 spot to cover. Who would have ever thought that the Polio virus ...
“Cybertopia-Dreams of Silicon Valley”-Documentary About Politics, Economics and Debate on Where is the “Real” World Today? The Producers the Takers and the Dupers…
This starts back to Kevin O’Connor talking about his views. We do have to remember there was a huge strike of luck that helped him get his...
“Stop the 1000 Deaths a Day Pass Policy Specifically Defining and Mandating EHR Interoperability”-Change.Org
As you can read 25,000 signatures are needed to move to the White House to be addressed. Read through the campaign from Dr. Volz. We do n...
Radio Shack in Their Bankruptcy Case Says “Screw Your Privacy Consumers” We Need the Money to Pay Debtors, We’re Putting All Your Customer Data We Have On File Up For Bid..
We all know how bankruptcy goes and how the courts over look and distribute money to pay off the debtors and look here, data selling takes o...
Just Approved by FDA, The Watchman Implanted In Two Patients in Southern California, Will Make Life Normal For Many…
I think I have been writing here and there about the Watchman progress since I started 8 years ago and last week it was finally approved. T...
Blue Shield of California Plans to Contest Losing It’s Tax Exempt Status–But Still Need to Begin Filing Tax Returns From 2013 Forward
This is not the first time something like this has happened. UPMC had the city of Pittsburgh file a lawsuit against them for the same reaso...
Not To Be Left Out of the $180 Billion Dollar A Year Personal Data Selling Business, Twitter Jumps In to Sell More Tweets
I don’t worry about Twitter as much as I do the other social networks as you have to say it in 140 characters and include a link if you want...
Premera Blue Cross Hacked (Not Related to Anthem Hack) 11 Million Affected Along With Marketing Affiliations And Private Insurance Exchange…
This breach/attack affects Premera Blue Cross, Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska, Vivacity and Connexion Insurance Solutions. Connex...
FDA Warns “Don’t Get Your Dog Stoned” With the Uptick of Pet Hemp Products and Clean Up Your Advertising Warning To Two Companies Selling the Products…
This is not unexpected and there are two companies now that seem to be jumping the gun a little bit on what cannabis can do for your dog. O...
How Claim Settlements Are So Difficult At Optum-Are Billing Codes are Locked In Fort Knox…
This is an article from the New York Times and frankly after reading this I don’t think the folks trying assist the patient knew what to do....
First World Penis Transplant Accomplished in South Africa–Recipient of an Organ Donor Program…
Wake Forest in the US has grown and transplanted penises for rabbits for a few years now and they work and it appears that technology has m...
The Social Security Death Index-More Flawed Data–Information Gets Sold To Credit Agencies, Banks and More…
Here’s yet another side on the data selling epidemic in the US but this is a little different. Sure we all know how mistakes are made but a...
Major US Newspapers Sign Up and Invest With New Start Up That Will Charge You To Read The News–20 Cents Per Article, Probably Written by a Bot and Goes On You Credit Card–And Bolsters the $180 Million Dollar Year Personal Data Selling Business
This is the way the crappy algorithms crumble. What was once a great way of communicating what’s going on in the world is in algorithmic an...
Ebola Comes Back to US-American Healthcare Worker Tested Positive and Will Be Flown To the NIH For Treatment
This is the same hospital that treated the nurse from Texas who came down with Ebola and it’s probably the best place for the patient to go...
FTC Says the White House Privacy Bill of Rights Pretty Much Sucks-White House Can’t Model For One, And Leaves Data Selling Companies In Complete Control-Time to Index and License…
Well this is not something new as last year, the White House was also living way too virtual and their policies last year sucked even more. ...