Yes you can do this at home now too, but not for use in a legal situation...New York requires a prescription though...results are stated to be 99.9%....BD
Through the miracle of DNA technology, a trip to the drugstore can sort out those nagging paternity questions that bubble up at the family picnic. A company called
Identigene said today that its paternity test is now available over the counter at Rite Aid and Meijer drugstores around the country.
The test, which costs $29.99 at the store plus another $119 for lab fees, is the similar to tests widely available online. The kit includes Q-tip-like swabs for the mother, child and alleged father. Rub the swab on the cheek, send it to Salt Lake City in a postage paid envelope, and a few days later get your results by mail, phone or Internet.
Health Blog : Drugstore Shopping List: Aspirin, Shampoo, Paternity Test
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