Neat service that will enable email to your normal cell phone, you do not need a Blackberry or Windows Mobile device to get your email...required a one time sign up to get started and it is free...all you need to do is sign up and begin flipping your phone...the only requirement is the ability for SMS messaging...text messaging...the videos below do a good job on showing how the service is used, especially the one from the New York it does a comparison of 3 different services with Teleflip being on top. You can even schedule your service, so if you were a physician and wanted to select down time when not working, that can be done.
This is not a replacement for professional units that run Windows Mobile or the Blackberry operating system by any means, just a simple tool for those wanting email on a simple cell phone. For professionals, there's almost no way of getting around the full use of a Windows Mobile unit, but for the occasional and small user, this can work great. For the next step up, check out our section on Windows Mobile. BD
Teleflip connects you to your office, friends and family wherever you go. Dont miss important messages
again. Six reasons to use our service& * Get email on the go. Stay connected 24/7 without watching your email inbox all day * Get email ONLY from the people you want to hear from. You choose who and when you would like to receive email messages on your phone *
This service is free. You only pay for standard text messaging * Never miss out on time-sensitive opportunities * Responding to emails from your cell phone is as easy as sending a text message * We NEVER send spam to your phone
Video Links: Rueters ABC News New York Times
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