Software as a Service...You Bet...Office is now a Platform...integrates with familiar desktop Office Products...I don't know about you, but I live in Outlook so anything that starts with Outlook is destined to be a favorite of mine......Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live...sign up now...not everyone will be selected but those that are will enjoy CRM Software online..and the early access program has no monthly subscriptions...good news there too...fully integrates with Microsoft Office...
first step towards Business Intelligence...and there is also the standard version of CRM available either client/server or hosted from a Microsoft partner....make better business decisions and bring everything together under one dashboard. I can't tell you how many times I have seen in so many offices time wasted as one person has a spreadsheet, another a Word document and the boss needing a report from information in both. What happens if one employee is out for the they over clog their already congested email client and send the other party an email for them to receive when they return..meantime...nothing gets done.......and everyone is stressed....
Better way...CRM...document sharing...SharePoint services...and a smaller learning curve perhaps as it uses products everybody is already familiar with, versus learning an entire new software program....but as you can see by looking at the convention page....others are striving to make their products interact with MS Office....Talbert Medical Group in southern California uses Microsoft Dynamics...and if you don't get chosen for the Live Version, there's a trial version for download as well...BD
Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates yesterday took the wraps off a major new version of Office Live Small Business and launched a new developer program for Office Live. "These online, hosted services are becoming more powerful," he said. "But they're not done in isolation. They connect out to the client applications and to on-premise server applications."
In what might be remembered as one of his last statements of direction before he transitions from his full-time role at Microsoft, Gates kicked off Microsoft's first-ever Office System Developer Conference in San Jose, Calif. He talked up his vision of the evolution of the Microsoft Office Suite into a software development platform.
"Making Office into a platform is very important to us," Gates said in the opening keynote, adding that Office will be taking on "a very ambitious agenda in the future."
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