No wonder big concerns were out recently when someone broke into Goldman and stole some of their code, perhaps our national security relies on some of this with financial concerns. 

Somebody Stole Goldman’s Algorithms – Code that Makes Their Money Just Like Health Insurers Use

Whether or not you like Glen Beck, this is a pretty funny presentation and makes a point of how close Goldman is to the government and perhaps why Mr. Paulson had some of the opinions he had expressed and recommendations a few months back. 

Whether you love him or hate him, Glenn Beck has an excellent piece here that is a must see video. It really puts things into perspective and shows the ridiculous crap that is currently going on between GS and the government. I am not one to believe in conspiracy theories, nor do I tend to believe people/groups are innately evil, but with GS is there really any other explanation?

The gigantic web that is Goldman Sachs and the US Government


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