I have been working to try and make the Medical Quack a little more informative and have added some new feature so when you get a chance check it out. You can see the bar code to go mobile. The blog posts are still located in the same spot with some new formatting, a bit of a chore, but it’s working.
In addition I have expanded the Sponsor and Resource area to give more exposure to the folks who are kind enough to advertise and sponsor here. We can exist as bloggers without them. The Micro-Cap Review Magazine current issue (sponsor) from SNNWire/StockNewsNow is always up in the left hand corner and the current issue has some interesting articles and the cover story talks about IFS, a company that makes generic implants that are 40to 60% less expensive for commonly used orthopedic devices. SNNWire does a number of CEO interviews at various biotech conferences and the link is worth checking out to read about the latest. It’s kind of long but when you scroll down a bit both the right and left had sides have some additional blocks of interest. The videos on the left hand side give some full attention to the “Attack of the Killer Algorithms” series I keep adding to which is an educational item to help explain how things happen today, it’s all about the math and the formulas that run on servers 24/7 that make life impacting decisions about all of us and the videos are well worth watching and will make you give some second thoughts and perhaps move you to think and ask sometimes today if you don’t understand how some business and government decisions are made as the amount of flawed data on the web is growing as we add more aggregated services. Some really get it right while others…well you get the drift, so don’t be gullible and naĂŻve and ask questions.
Further down I have aggregated some RSS Feeds that might be of interest to see what’s going on with the big journalist companies and the US government so it’s a quick link for some recent news beyond what I blog about as if it wasn’t for the journalists out there today, I wouldn’t have anything to blog about:) The left hand side has quite a few links and use the scroll bar to check it out. Thanks again to everyone who stops by and I appreciate your readership and hope you continue to keep coming back!
Barbara Duck (The Medical Quack)
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