Former CEO of United Health Care..Interesting comments on health care is not enough...BD
Instead, we are here to talk about the other elephant in the room, the messy health-care system. We first met at an event at this theater last fall, just days before he was slated to leave UnitedHealth. Even then, with an unwanted transition looming, he offered to school me on his great passion--the role data can play in medicine. I'm here to take him up on it.
Is universal care possible?
"It has to come from the President. Somebody has to stand up and say we expect accessible health care for all people. Not just insurance for all people--that doesn't get you health care if you can't afford the insurance, or there aren't enough facilities and practitioners, or you don't have a way to get to them. Insurance isn't enough."
Business Left Undone - Bill McGuire - UnitedHealth Group - Health Care
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