This was a pretty neat function and once upon a time I was on a conference call with Dr. Oz when he began his diet program and there’s no loss of energy and enthusiasm on his part at all. In the 15 Minute Physical, the patients are the winners here as I understand from reading how this works they offer free 15 minute physicals using the medical records program from Practice Fusion and it has been successfully screening quite a few chronic conditions that need attention from diabetes to high blood pressure. Let’s face it in today’s world there’s a pretty good chance that many of us will be diagnosed and treatment and lifestyle changes suggested by the doctors is a great idea.
Dr. Oz Talks About Attacking the Battle of the Bulge With the 11 Week Weight Challenge
What is is fascinating here too was the quick learning curve of the medical students and doctors and how fast they were ready to go. In addition there was some technical work to be done by Practice Fusion to set up the integration which as it reads went well in Philadelphia and other cites to where the 15 Minute physical is being used. BD
This is pretty fascinating in what the technology team had to do with creating an API integration process with Alere’s lab device,

To show what a 15 minute physical found the results were a bit shocking with a large number being over weight, diabetic and many with hypertension. The good news was that all doctors stated their consultations with the patients were productive and 2 patients had to be rushed off to an emergency room.
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