Well if you have noticed, not much posting today as I have the flu, like half of the rest of the US, but that’s not the real reason for this post.  I answered the phone today and it was a solicitor looking for contributions.  I don’t know about yourself, but there are days when your head is so thick you can’t even get near discussing anything that is not absolutely necessary.

I politely told the caller that today was not a good day and that I was sick, only to hear back “well, you answered the phone didn’t you”, with a very curt tone and anger!  So is the pressure on the callers that heavy to where they have to address you with anger?  The guy was actually mad that I answered the phone and didn’t care to listen to him. 

Poor Steve Jobs couldn’t even get sick without the SEC wanting to know whether he or his board may have held back on his official diagnosis?  Have we reached the point where we are almost intolerant of other peoples illnesses? 

Sure times are not the best, but it does make you wonder where some thought processes are originating these days, with many taking pot shots at the piano players of the world and not addressing the real core of their anger or fear. 

Sure that caller was not mad at me personally, he was probably behind on his goal of dollars to collect, thus with a little added stress, everybody who did not contribute became his enemy, but it sure left one negative taste in my mouth does not do anything to encourage me to contribute to their cause, maybe why online causes are so popular today too.  BD 


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