Well this is good news on the CIO store front in the fact that when the burn out there’s new life at the end of the road and a new on begins. From what I read and heard he was kind of stuck when working for the government and I understand that completely. Dealing with a bunch of “non participants” and digital illiterates that won’t at least try is not fun.
Vivek Kundra-US CIO To Resign And Take Fellowship at Harvard-Was He OverTaxed And Burnt Out, If So That is Allowed Today As This A True Reality for CIOs All Over the US
As he said in post CIO interviews, the execution was the difficult part of the job, in other words getting folks to move on project and he saved a few billion for the government with his projects. Our US CTO is stuck on the word innovation and touts it all the time like tons of other do, but in the CIO area it’s more about collaboration and not the innovation dog and pony show. Where’s Salesforce.com going to use his talent, developing more business outside the US…a bit of an irony but everyone has a job to do. If you happened to catch the Oracle event this year, Larry Ellison called Salesforce.com the “roach motel” of the clouds, and there was quite the showdown but they have a good service to sell but the competition in the public is so Larry Ellison and why we all watch him. Practice Fusion uses Salesforce.com to host their free medical records service as well. BD
Practice Fusion EMR to Sit on Salesforce.com’s Cloud
Salesforce.com, best know for its sales, customer service and collaboration software for business, is raising its ambitions by aiming at the international businesses and sales to foreign governments that have been the mainstays of companies like I.B.M.
On Monday, the company named Vivek Kundra its executive vice president of emerging markets. Mr. Kundra was the country’s first chief information officer from March 2009 until August 2011. His job was to move the government’s computer infrastructure spending — $80 billion a year — toward cloud computing. Mr. Kundra has extensive experience in technology at several levels of government, and has been a frequent visitor to the technology industry’s conferences.
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