Great story about a hand transplant.  Technology today is making so much of this possible!  Look a the time element here, 35 years later and the transplanted hand works!  Truly amazing and wonderful! 

Great strides in research and technology in the neuroscience area for sure.  I like stories like this, shows hope for others and brings imagethe reality back individuals for living a normal life again.  What was once impossible in the past is becoming today’s reality.  BD 

When he was 19, David Savage lost his hand in a machine accident. Thirty-five years later, he had a replacement hand installed. Amazingly, the same region that controlled his hand when he had one kicked right back into gear to deal with his new appendage. This surprised scientists because other research has shown that once a limb is gone, the associated brain region quickly picks up other duties.

“It’s remarkable that an original neural pathway for the hand can be reinstated after years and years,” (Vanderbilt University neuroscientist Jon) Kaas says.

Brain's reaction to hand transplant - Boing Boing


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