Here we go again, punishment for the critically ill needing a transplant. When you read the reason and the risk
of Aspergillus which we are exposed to every day and there’s been only one known death in 1988, why is this still the reason? It’s an infection but if nobody has died in over 15 years? Now the patient is on prescription medications and going through a drug rehab plan. She had no idea that it was not allowed.
Cedars-Sinai Hospital Denies Liver Transplant to Patient Using Medical Marijuana–But They Were the Hospital that Prescribed It
If this doesn’t beat all, chronic kidney failure as a medical condition for which marijuana may be recommended due to the nausea caused by dialysis treatments in California and it’s the hospital’s policy that seems to be in the way here. This needs a fix. BD
For the second time in less than a year, one of the largest hospitals in Los Angeles has removed a patient from an organ transplant list due to medical marijuana use, Raw Story has learned.
Trujillo, however, was removed from that list in April after hospital staff learned that she’d been legally using medical marijuana since August 2010 at the recommendation of an independent doctor. She’s now participating in a six month battery of weekly substance abuse counseling sessions and random drug tests. If Trujillo stays clean for that whole time, she’ll be eligible to be re-added to the list — at the very bottom.
Kris Hermes, a spokesman for marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA), told Raw Story that his group believes people who legally use medical marijuana “shouldn’t be penalized or punished for using a medication that works for them. They should be immediately reinstated on the transplant list.”
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