Yes that is what this is, yet one more algorithm that created the plans for budgets and agency funding for a number of years. You have to step back and look at when the business model was created, years ago and then step back and look at where we are today. This goes to show how fast things are moving today. Back when this algorithm was created for Medicare pay for doctors, it was based on current economic times, which we all know by now do not resemble where we are today.
Now today let’s move forward to where we are today and the economic changes that have taken place, the statistics and projects created simply do not and cannot apply. This is partially the reason that a 2 year fix is projected to again allow for changes and amendments as time progresses. This also makes a point to why digital formatted laws would make sense. It may not be possible to create a permanent fix as when you look back, what was created years ago is now out of date. We all know healthcare costs, budgeting, software, technology change by the minute so again, give some thought to the plan of sustaining 2 years versus a non realistic “permanent” fix as that just simply may not be possible, although it’s a great thought, we have to look at what we are working with.
Even if a 2 year plan is created, it may not make it all the way through the 2 year time slot too, so again something to keep in mind but we do need to remove the soap opera and uncertainties for the doctors as when this appears for a vote to extend, it creates a ton of controversy not to mention the decision making processes of the doctors as to whether or not they can continue to afford to see Medicare patients.
It’s the budget algorithms that needs to be adjusted and again, members of Congress and some federal judges for that matter would be wise to get some real Algo Men on board to help them understand current day processes.
Florida Judge Rules Against Health Law– Need Some Judicial “Algo Men” to Influence Decisions on Costs With
Methodology Entailment and IT Systems Functionality
The President hired his Algo Man and if you don’t have someone around to explain how all of this works, we are lost, just watch what appears in the news today and you can clearly see it with reports of foot in mouth almost daily.
President Obama Names a New “Hybrid” Chief of Staff That Can Bring Some “Algo Men” to the White House and Washington
President Obama's top health official on Wednesday defended the White House's decision not to include a long-term fix of the Medicare doctors' payment system in its budget proposal.
The White House budget released Monday includes a two-year "doc fix" to the Sustainable Growth Rate formula, which determines Medicare reimbursements, but Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday pressed Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for details on a longer-term fix.
The budget proposed pay-fors to cover the $54 billion fix over two years, but it doesn't propose how to cover $315 billion of needed fixes over the following eight years.
Sebelius defends doc fix strategy - The Hill's Healthwatch
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