Survey Says.....findings to be used by medical device manufacturers to improve performance and reduce business risk...regulatory compliance perhaps...and hopefully to increase profits and growth in the business. In another related story there is the Annual Meeting of the Medical Device Manufacturer's Association on June 12th and 13th in Washington D.C. whereby leading medical technology executives come together with healthcare's most influential and respected decision-makers. "MDMA's Annual Meeting is the premier event for innovative, entrepreneurial industry executives," said Joe Kiani, Chairman and CEO of Masimo Corporation. "The meeting provides industry leaders with the opportunity to network with colleagues and hear from lawmakers and leading government officials about current and future trends in our industry."...between the survey and annual meeting there's a lot going on with the implementation and use of medical writing this blog, I focus on new devices and the number of posts relative to this issue and new devices are numerous...perhaps too numerous at times to allow for an intelligent and decisive clinical decision to be made in a short time frame...BD
FDAnews and Industry Directions Inc., in close association with research analysis partner Cambashi Ltd, today invited medical device manufacturers to respond to a new survey on current industry challenges and practices. The survey asks about company objectives, business processes and practices, information systems and applications, and performance.
The research team is seeking responses from all companies in the medical
device industry -- of all sizes, all classes of devices, and in every geographic region. The initial online survey is open for industry response from now until early May. All responses will be aggregated to formulate report findings. Individual responses will remain strictly confidential. The results of this survey will be released at the Fifth Annual Medical Device Quality Congress June 25-27 in Cambridge, MA.
The online survey is available at: or through or The survey is open to medical device manufacturers of all sizes worldwide. All survey respondents will receive a copy of the public findings report when it is released. Research sponsors for the study are: Camstar Systems ( ), IBS America (, IQMS (, MasterControl ( and Pilgrim Software (
Risk Management: Best Practices for Medical Device Profitability
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