Volunteers need to be women who are past menopause and have diabetes type 2...chocolate and coffee....are there benefits and is there in fact good coffee and good chocolate? Time will tell, but I wonder how it tastes...the bad guys are looking to become the good guys with diet and nutrition as studies continue...BD
LONDON (Reuters) - Calling all chocoholics: British researchers recruiting
volunteers willing to eat a bar of chocolate daily for a year, guilt-free and all in the name of science.
The trial starting in June will explore whether compounds called flavonoids found in chocolate and other foods can reduce the risk of heart disease for menopausal women with type 2 diabetes, the researchers said on Monday.The next step will be recruiting 150 women past menopause with type 2 diabetes. The researchers will look at whether the compounds help reduce blood pressure, cut cholesterol levels and improve the condition of arteries.
Half the women in the year-long study will eat a super-charged chocolate bar containing 30 grams of flavonoids found in soy, cocoa and other fruits and vegetables. The others will get chocolate without the active compounds.
Tough job: Volunteers needed for chocolate study - Yahoo! News
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