St. Jude has also been working with the Microsoft HealthVault folks to incorporate information in to personal health records.  View prior post here.  The information can also be imported in to electronic medical records through a software interface.  

The information goes from the implantable device to EHRs and PHRs and all that is needed is a live Internet connection.  BD

St. Jude Medical has announced U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the Merlin@home transmitter, an RF wireless technology that remotely monitors patients’ implanted cardiac devices. The transmitter supports the St. Jude Medical Current RF and Promote RF family of devices and works in conjunction with the St. Jude Medical data management system, Patient Care Network (PCN), to provide complete remote care service for patients and their physicians. 

The Merlin@home transmitter is transportable and can be set-up wherever a standard phone line is available, typically by the bedside for data transmission while the patient sleeps. Data downloaded by the Merlin@home transmitter is sent to PCN, a secure, Internet-based data management system, where it is stored for review by the patient’s physician.


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