This is a very good article and well thought out.  Everyday applicants applying for jobs are somewhat evaluated on the same areas, will they be healthy enough to employ, or should I say will it be within what the employer will want or be able to pay for insurance.  That is not the issue here, imagebut is her condition, being it is public known, a bone of contention?

Where do we find all the very healthy people without some type of chronic disease or aliment, I think this is a good question and something we need to think about when it comes to healthcare.  How are we using the intelligence we have today and what basis are we using this information for decisions, especially when it comes to healthcare.  Algorithms can calculate and design the perfect scenario as to what we would all like, but let’s face it this is the real world and all of those designed folks don’t exist, well at least not yet, as we are not producing “designer employees” yet that fit the needs of risk management to insure. 

I think this is part of the issue too with the way healthcare is viewed today, what’s the real picture.  We may never reach the goals we set with complicated formulas in the quest for the “perfect” employee.  Education is still the key and very much lacking for good healthcare to achieve positive results.  BD 

Sonia Sotomayor, a frontrunner for President Obama’s first Supreme Court appointment pick, has type 1 diabetes, and it may work against her.

Sotomayor is currently serving as a Judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The fact that she could be the first diabetic (along with the first Latino) to serve on the Supreme Court is incredibly exciting for our community, of course!  But there’s outcry from many that her medical condition may shorten her lifespan or lead to complications making her unfit to serve.

Suddenly, the big buzz is the question of how much scrutiny the President should give to a candidate’s health. Witness the discussion in the Huffington Post (and the snarky fallout over at DC gossip blog Wonkette).

But then there’s the diabetes…

Does the position of Supreme Court Justice fall under the American Disabilities Act?  Good question. It seems the main concern isn’t that she’ll have a low blood sugar while on the bench, but whether or not her life — and thus her term as Justice —will be cut short by an untimely death due to diabetes. Isn’t it discrimination to withhold a position from someone because they *might* someday have complications that could threaten their health?

» Supreme Court Prospect Sotomayor Has Diabetes: Deal or No Deal? - DiabetesMine: the all things diabetes blog


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