Amazon, Google and Microsoft are the 3 big players for now in the Cloud market. For the purpose of this post, we are talking about exte...
Homeland Security Working on a Device that Can Capture Vitals from up to 40 Feet Away – Is the Future of an Emergency Room at the Hospital Too?
Vital signs would come from the carotid artery, the head, chest, abdomen, even a foot. The technology being used for a device is Laser Dopp...
Reader Comment: American Cancer Society Circle of Sharing Tool Is a Good Thing
Yesterday I posted about the American Cancer Society Circle of Sharing Tool and had a reader post the comment below, which I think is well w...
Tenet Announces Joint Venture with MED3OOO – Focus on Electronic Medical Records and Business Intelligence
If you work with a Tenet Hospital, it looks like some possible changes and upgrades could be on the horizon. Many of the ones I am familiar...
Merck Issues Statement on Singulair Patent Challenge from Teva
Teva has certainly been busy with a number of legal challenges of late, yesterday one filed against Amgen too. The challenge of intell...
Push For Electronic Medical Records Must Slow Down - Howard Schmidt, Former White House Security Czar Advises for Secure Applications
This is in fact a good question, are we rushing to get the money available and perhaps pushing matters a bit to fast. I post enough secur...
Teva Suing Amgen Over Intellectual Property Infringement – Sensipar for Kidney Disease
Teva wants to sell a generic version of the product and claims Amgen is using it’s patented technology to create Sensipar and now it wants ...
Need an RFID System at the Hospital – Plug it in to the Electrical Outlets
The system can co-exist without interrupting other Wi-Fi services, so it appears that “dead zones” would not be an issue. They also have d...
Deaconess hospital in Spokane Will No Longer Serve as Major Trauma Center
Down in Orange County here, I am starting to see some of the same or similar with hospitals, the signs out front are changing. I recently ...
Microsoft HealthVault Device Logo Requirements 1.20 Available for Device Vendors
If you have purchased a blood pressure or glucose device, you may have already seen the sticker on the devices, depending on what device you...
Those Who Just Take What the Payers Offer May be Missing Out – Money Left on the Table
This is an issue close to my own heart, as years ago and still even today it’s difficult for me to hopefully get the point across of how im...
Stand Up to Cancer Grants Go to 2 Arizona Doctors and Their Teams to Turn Science Into Cures for Cancer
I have covered a few posts from the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) which is where the grant money is going. Joshua LaBaer...
Isotope Update – Nuclear Radiation Treatments Could be Delayed As Other Plants Close Down for Scheduled Maintenance
No doubt there will be shortages if the reactor in Canada ends up being down for 8 months potentially. It appears that France, Argentina a...
We Deny Fewer Claims than They Do – Is this Necessary?
Good news for Humana I guess, but when it comes down to the matter at hand, it makes no real difference unless it is YOUR claim, at least th...
Aetna Web Site Data Breach – Employees and Former Employees Affected
Have you had any spam from Aetna lately? The article states this is how the breach was identified with individuals complaining. If you ap...
American Cancer Society Circle of Sharing Tool Unveiled – Microsoft HealthVault
Built on Microsoft HealthVault, Circle Of Sharing will allow sharing of medical information and resources from the American Cancer Society w...
United Health Care Says Cheaper Efficient Doctors and Reducing Hospital Visits by the Elderly Would Help Reduce the Cost of Healthcare
It is nice to make statements to somehow convey helping but for some reason it’s the lack of transparency with the company that I think t...
e-Zassi Marries Innovation and Collaboration in the Medical Device Industry – Interview with Peter Von Dyck
I had the pleasure to speak with the guys over at e-Zassi recently. Bringing a medical device to market is very costly and time intensive p...