This is good timing for the testimony.  We all remembered hearing the testimonies captured in Sicko with one of the same healthcare insurers.  Since he is no longer employed and has some long tenure there could be a lot of information offered here.  I don’t know how much more we need to hear and see as it’s almost daily news but hopefully efforts to bring some real transparency will work.  BD 

Former Executive Warns Congress: Don’t Be Fooled by For-Profit Industry’s Misleading Campaignimage

Will Greed lead to Meltdown of the Health System?

Washington, DC – Wendell Potter, a former health insurance industry insider, will testify before the full Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday June 24, 2009 at 2:30 p.m. EST, exposing the health insurance industry’s resistance to needed health care reform.

Mr. Potter spent more than 20 years as a public relations executive for two large health insurers - Cigna and Humana - but left the industry after witnessing practices he felt harmed American health care consumers. To him, there was a heart-breaking discrepancy between Americans struggling to find affordable, comprehensive coverage and wealthy insurance executives who based their premium charges – and coverage decisions – on profits rather than people’s health care needs. He has decided to come forward in the hopes of stopping the health insurance industry from once again derailing meaningful reform.

WHAT: Hearing on “Consumer Choices and Transparency in the Health Insurance Industry,” 
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation

WHEN: Wednesday June 24, 2009 Hearing Start Time: 2:30 pm Press Pre-Set Time: 1:45 pm

WHERE: Room 253, Russell Senate Office Building

Health Insurance Insider to Testify Before Senate | Center for Media and Democracy

Related Reading:

Health Net Agrees to Stop Using Ingenix Database for Calculating Reasonable and Customary Fees

United Health Care Says Cheaper Efficient Doctors and Reducing Hospital Visits by the Elderly Would Help Reduce the Cost of Healthcare
AIG: You Bring the Nerds and the Algorithms and I’ll give you a AAA Rating…a little history from 1987
Health insurers Say “No” to limiting rescissions – Congressional Hearings
If you Lie – You Die said the Insurance Carrier (You did not report your acne)

A.I.G. Suing the Government for Return of $306 Million in Tax Payments

Health Insurance Reserves – How much is in the till, could it be 1 or 2 trillion nationwide?

Insurer's Reserves Criticized


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