One more step for integration with the Microsoft HealthVault. Using what is sometimes called middleware, Covisint is connecting both AT&T and the HealthVault. As mentioned below, electronic prescribing is included and this should also help bridge a gap to retrieve data from Home health devices, such as blood pressure machines, and other Telemedicine devices. To participate, it will require users to subscribe to AT&Ts Community Online Network. BD
Three major technology vendors have combined their services to create a national health information exchange network. The HIE is designed to enable consumers using the HealthVault personal health records technology from Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Wash., to share information with authorized physicians using the Healthcare Community Online network portal from San Antonio-based AT&T Inc. The portal uses a virtual private network to enablemanaged services, applications and authentication for health information exchange among physicians and hospitals. The HIE will use interoperability technology from Covisint, Detroit, to connect the two applications. The combined platform offers various clinical applications, including: *Electronic prescribing; *Clinical
messaging; *Sharing of X-rays MRIs and CT scans; *Exchanging of patient information from personal health records; *Uploading of data from home health devices such as blood pressure meters and glucometers; and *Telemedicine services.
AT&T, Covisint, Microsoft Create HIE
Technorati Tags: HealthVault,Microsoft
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