This is cool and makes me think of what my mother as a senior has gone through imagewith 2nd opinions and so on.  She has literally had to enlist the help of friends to pick up images and take them in hand to various doctor’s offices.  Yes that is a pain and having HealthVault at a storage point is great.  Dicom images are big files so that is where the cloud comes in.  If you have images already in your possession there’s an interface to upload them to HealthVault. 

If you share with a provider they can download and keep the images in your record so again this is a big timesaver.  Imaging centers can automatically send your imageimages to your personal health record with HealthVault. 

The one vendor mentioned has a “drop box” for files and if you have used any of those types of sharing programs, it’s works well and is pretty simple to use.  There’s always a link on this site under resources if you want to get started on the right hand side. 

It has been a while since I mentioned this, you can track your prescriptions from Walgreens and CVS too and have them all in one place.  Also at CVS Minute Clinic they work with HealthVault and pretty much anymore from conversations I have had with a few locations, they ask you right up front if you want to connect with HealthVault or Google Health any more too. 

I have uploaded documents to my file but again imaging files are huge this using the cloud takes care of the “size” issues.  What is also nice is having the Dicom viewer and not needing another piece of software to view the images.   I can use one less image viewer on my computer too.  BD 

I'm always talking about how lame the health IT landscape is --- and with good reason. But there is one domain in which advances have been consistent and amazing and clearly impactful to care: medical imaging. Our ability to look inside a body and see with incredible detail what's going on inside is just staggering. image

Well, today there is no way I could be more over-the-top excited to say --- medical imaging is now a core part of the HealthVault platform. We're talking full diagnostic quality DICOM images, with an integration that makes it immediately useful to consumers and their providers:

  • A new release of HealthVault Connection Center that imagemakes it super-easy to upload images from a CD or DVD , and enables users to burn new discs to share with providers --- complete with a viewer and "autoplay" behavior that providers expect.
  • Full platform support for HealthVault applications to store and retrieve images themselves, enabling seamless integration with radiology centers and clinical systems.

Of course, we have to ensure that we keep the data secure and private as well --- we do this with a really cool piece of code that creates unique encryption keys for every image, stores those keys in our core HealthVault data center, and only sends encrypted, chunked data to Azure. This effectively lets us use Azure as an infinitely-sized disk --- warms this geek's heart to see it all come together.



It’s all about the pictures: medical imaging arrives at HealthVault! - Family Health Guy - Site Home - MSDN Blogs


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