Occasionally there are some articles on the internet, on newscasts on television and so on that appear to be on the border and occasionally I will post one of those articles here if there appears to be a lot of gray or misunderstood areas.  What has been very helpful is the number of Oncologists who read this blog and take the time to chime in and give their opinions, so chances are if you see something related to cancer that has been on the news or on the web that is questionable, you may find some very good comments from the oncologists who comment here.

Also, on the same line of thought, it also prepares them for the patient that has seen the article on the news or TV so they can understand the questions posed by the patient, so it works both ways and I’m very happy once again that they take the time here to share comments and information on the site and they all deserve a nice round of thanks by all means! 

Likewise too if there are obvious stories that are fraud, I try to cover those as well.  BD

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has accused some companies of making false statements regarding their alleged cancer cures - five companies stand accused by the FTC while another six have apparently reached some form of settlement. The FTC charged the companies with making unsupported claims that their products cured or treated one or more types of cancer and in each case, the company is charged with violating the FTC Act, which bars deceptive claims.

U.S. authorities gunning for makers of bogus cancer cures


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