In the Michael Moore movie “Sicko” we saw all the nice hospitals available to those who travel there and now it appears those facilities are going to come at a cost, medical traveler’s insurance. As of the writing of this article there’s no information available yet on what the cost could be for travelers.
I appears though that this is the new mandate as they appear to need money too. Many individuals pay cash for services they receive at facilities in Cuba as well.
It appears now though, that Fidel wants to make sure everyone is covered for the cost in case of an emergency medical situation. BD
The Cuban government has decreed that after May 1, 2010, all visitors to that country will be required to buy traveler’s medical
insurance from approved foreign companies, or from Cuban vendors at its ports of entry. No insurance: no entry.
The measure, seen as a way of raising much-needed cash from foreign sources, will apply to all tourists and other visitors, Cubans living abroad visiting family of friends, and foreigners temporarily living in Cuba. It will only exempt diplomats and representatives of accredited international organizations.
Cuba is reputed to have good medical services and routinely exports well-trained physicians to other third world countries. But Cuban health care and Cuban hospitals are also different from what you are used to, and you may well prefer to be brought home and cared for in your own environment, with your own physicians, and with your family nearby in case a serious medical emergency arises.
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