The videos are well worth watching as well as fascinating.  These are not just "techs" working at the labs, they are physicians, PHDs, etc. that are working on the healthcare items.  These are just a few screen shots from the videos.  There's all kinds of interesting projects to see here and with the speed of technology moving today, who knows how soon this might work it's way in the main flow of life, it didn't take Surface that long.  The full blog can been read here from Dr. Crounse and Microsoft.  BD

"At least once each year I trek on over to visit my colleagues at Microsoft Research.   The group's headquarters are really just a few blocks from my own office on the Microsoft campus.  This time Andy shows us what may be the next evolution in Surface computing and display technology.  It gets BIG!  Research carries on with the theme by exploring how visualization is helping researchers study the HIV virus."


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This one is literally a "talking head", if you will, and how it sees humans. 


The next "big" version of Surface, and with radiology images....

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We have seen surface in action, but this is the first glimpse with working with radiology images, zooming in and out and using a keyboard with the surface technology.  The tablet is big 4' x 6', so it could even be a radiology conference center for collaborating, PACS imaging may never be the same. 


Working on the visualizing the HIV virus vaccine through sequencing and DNA. 



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