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No this is not a joke, this is for real with an airline in Japan.  Why, it will save fuel!  I don’t know how this would work here in the US though, with the potty patrol at the gates, especially in busy airports, but gee, do your share anyway, be sure you pee in the future before boarding that jet, you will be doing your share to save fuel and money.  On US airlines, I think you would see pay toilets if they determined they wanted to save fuel and money, since that’s the foremost on everyone’s mind today.  There’s other alternatives too, but I don’t need to go there right now.  BD  image

Forget all that unimaginative stuff about slashing power consumption by consolidating data centers and turning off PCs overnight: All Nippon Airways wants to save the planet by badgering passengers into hitting the restrooms pre-flight so that less carry-on waste means lower airplane weight. And I swear I'm not making this up.

The airline's chiefs say that empty bladders means passengers will weigh less, so their fleet of aircraft will save fuel and reduce their carbon emissions.

All Nippon Airways reckons that the policy could lead to a five-tonne reduction in carbon emissions per month, as well as saving the company money. The new regulation will be policed by 'loo monitors', who stand by boarding gates and take waiting passengers to the lavatories before they embark.

When You Fly Go Bladder-Dry To Help Airline Save Planet - Global CIO Blog - InformationWeek


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