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Live and recorded surgeries...the link is located on the right hand side and the last 5 entries are listed for a quick reference...some of the procedures offer CME credit...if you cannot view live, the recorded procedure can be watched at a later date on demand...anyone can register and view the videos...if you are looking at have surgery and have questions and want to perhaps view the procedure and devices and instruments used, there's a multitude of information...along with discussion forums to join for additional discussion and questions....I watched a presentation today on spine rods that are used in back surgeries...demonstration from the vendor video...good place to view some of the latest technology...good site for both physicians and patients...BD 

image OR-Live, Inc. is an Internet Broadcasting company which creates live and  on-demand video-based communications solutions for clients in the healthcare industry. OR-Live, Inc. has an incomparable level of expertise in the healthcare field which has been showcased in its work for hospitals, allied health  professionals, equipment manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies.

The engine driving OR-Live, Inc.'s growth has been our ability to achieve a recognizable return on investment for Clients, including community hospitals, major teaching Institutions and Fortune 1000 Device Manufacturers and Pharmaceutical companies. Our strategy is aimed at producing added revenue for our clients by increasing patient referrals to key service lines, growing surgical and pharmaceutical product sales, and broadening our clients' brands by distributing our clients' content to the most respected professional and consumer websites on the Internet.
The information provided on this site is presented for educational purposes. It is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician.image

OR-Live: Online Surgical and Healthcare Video and Webcasts -About OR-Live, Inc.

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