An update on what is happening with this very unusual case.  This is the result of the HPV virus, out of control.  Dede Koswara, popularlyimage known across Indonesia as "Tree Man," has been living in a tropical hospital for months, where a team of doctors has been sawing away at the barklike growths that have slowly encased his entire body.For now, Dede's family watches as he slowly returns to the appearance of his former self.  He is undergoing surgery for his condition, which is not perfect, but is helping.  The story has also been featured on the Discovery Channel as well.  BD   

It wasn't until Dede was a teenager that what started as a simple wart on his knee spiraled his life out of control. They started spreading over his entire body as a result of the human papillomavirus, or HPV.

ABC News: 'Tree Man' To Head Home After Treatment


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