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So what else is new, more healthcare software for medical records and personal health records wanted, but who’s going to use all of this technology is my imagequestion?  Just this week a report came out about personal health records not making the grade as far as consumer interest.  Just a couple months ago we had this organization in California offering 3 Million for formulas that can predict hospital admissions.  The program has a $15 million dollar grant as you can read below.

Heritage Providers Continues to Promote $3 Million Dollar Prize to Create An Algorithm To Predict and Prevent Hospitalizations

The platform is supposed to resemble an iTunes type of model and if I am reading this correctly, it will work with several different mobile platforms.  If I were a developer I would go for the $3 million dollar bounty <grin>.  What is confusing today is that by the time this platform gets developed, it might not even have use as technology emerges, but only time will tell as we never know what new left curve will show up tomorrow.  I say this as new devices, phones, and other software are emerging hourly it seems and they have software that needs to work with this software…and so on. 

From the website:

“SMART is one of four Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) funded by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. SMART was conceived to address the real-world need for responsiveness and innovation in health information technology by empowering existing electronic medical records (EHRs) and personal health records (PHRs) to accept substitutable apps.”image

What they are looking for is a HTML5 Web app that is a kitchen sink of software in a matter of speaking.  Again, someone has to use all of this software and doctors are already one of the biggest groups of software beta testers in the country.  Are they getting tired of this yet?   With the rapid growth of medical software, this might mean more employer for “scribes” too.  We have no role models of anyone at ONC or in the public sector talking about how a PHR helps them as a consumer and this is the world of social networking we live in today, so again more of “its for those guys over there” prevails for a very small payout as a programmer.  With all this software that is “good” for us, why don’t officials in government offices talk about using it, or do they have time, or have they ever explored?  That’s something all of us struggle with today and if they gave it a whirl themselves we would have less of a focus on “Magpie Healthcare”. 

Doctors Have Become One of the Largest Software Beta Testing Groups–”Magpie Healthcare” Unfortunately Still Thrives

At any rate you can find all the details and information at the site if you are a developer and if $5000 is enough to entice your efforts. I’m glad I don’t write anymore <grin>. 

BOSTON – A new platform created specifically to boost healthcare IT innovation is now available to the public, kicking off a $5,000 competition that challenges developers to create Web applications for patients, physicians and public health.

Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School created SMArt (Substitutable Medical Applications, reusable technologies) platform architecture to support a flexible health information technology environment and promote innovation. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology awarded $15 million for the project in April 2010 through the Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) program.

Developers interested in learning more about the SMArt project and/or participating in the SMArt health app challenge may visit for complete details. Entrants are eligible to receive an award – $5,000 and release in an "App Store" –  for best application. The deadline for submission is May 31, 2011 11:59PM EDT.

Race is on for iPhone-like health IT apps | Healthcare IT News


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