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I always want to make sure I catch all of the free clinics and screening affairs that I can and post at the Quack.  This one is from 8 am until 2 pm in Orange County, California.  Thank goodness the outreach of committed doctors and others in healthcare is still here to help as we are a long way from getting reform in place with care for all.  BD  image

No insurance, no copay, no referral, no problem.

Anaheim will host its fourth annual health fair Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 Crescent Ave.

Doctors and other medical personnel from a variety of specialties will be there to give exams; take blood pressure; test for blood sugar and bone-density levels; administer EKGs; dental consultations; eye exams; mammograms; and pap smears. Adults or children can get checked out.

There’s no proof of insurance needed — and no proof of citizenship. You needn’t even be a resident of Anaheim.

“Anybody can come from anywhere in the world,” said Dr. Nitin Shah, an anesthesiologist and chief of the surgical ICU at the Long Beach Veterans Administration Hospital System. “For people who don’t have insurance, or who are out of a job right now, this gives you a lot of testing under one roof. And if you’re an otherwise healthy person, you can basically go another year without seeing a physician.”

Lab results will be available onsite using portable equipment at the center, Shah said.

Weekend Health: Free health fair in Anaheim - Healthy Living : The Orange County Register


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