This is the second hospital closure in the New York City area; however at least the facility has plans to continue on as a walk in clinic and a nursing home will move into the 200 bed facility. Other hospitals will have to pick up the slack for inpatients but at least the facility is getting used and not sitting empty. Below is the link about the closure of St. Vincent’s from 2 months ago.
St. Vincent's Hospital in New York City Will Close – Last Catholic General Hospital In the City
Not all of the hospital workers will have jobs when the facility re-opens but at least all will not be out of work either. BD
Barely two months after the closing of St. Vincent’s Hospital in Greenwich Village, North General Hospital, a potent symbol of the city’s political and
philanthropic commitment to Harlem, announced Monday that it was declaring bankruptcy.
The 200-bed North General will close by next week, hospital officials said. But while St. Vincent’s closed abruptly with only the distant promise of an urgent care clinic in its place, the North General building will immediately be occupied by a large government-subsidized walk-in clinic for Harlem residents, state and North General officials said.
North General got 36,000 visits a year to its emergency room, but officials said that nearby hospitals and the walk-in clinic would pick up those patients. In a joint statement Monday, the governor and the hospital said the hospital planned to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
The city’s public hospital system will also move two of its facilities, a nursing home and a 200-bed long-term rehabilitation center, to the North General site from Roosevelt Island, officials said.
At North General Hospital, a Closing and Openings -
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