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If there enough said here with the public getting tired of hearing these stories of cancellations?  The reason behind the cancellation or at least given by the insurance company was for a couple omissions of information on past history, a visit to the ER Room and one treatment.  I don’t know how many items she had to list but here we go again and this is exactly what “for profit” health insurance stands in the way of people not only getting the care they need, but it continues to drive the feeling of “trust” further into the graveimage

Now when you look at what the patient and her attorney had asked for, this is one more eye opener, $7-8 million was the case, and the jury itself set the extra dollar amounts to be paid of 37 million.   Granted this may end up in continuing suits with an appeal, but darn, this certainly sends one strong message from this case that the public is tired of the game and just wants the care they need and are tired of having prior illnesses used against them in a game of tit for tat, and using algorithmic business intelligence to find and document every detail.  Why do people who need care like this have to continually fight this battle? 

In a prior post I wrote about how the same companies and/or their subsidiaries are hired to use their algorithmic formulas to fight fraud?  Who’s going to be a winner here, the stock holders as claims are “scored” to cut back costs to allow a higher dividend paid to keep investors?  BD

Little Progress on Fighting Healthcare Fraud – Look At Who’s Getting the Anti-Fraud Contracts

DENVER -- A Boulder County jury awarded a Lafayette woman $37 million after her health insurance policy was canceled when she was seriously injured in a car accident.

The insurance company, Time Insurance Co. had said Jennifer Latham failed to disclose previous medical treatments, namely an emergency room visit for shortness of breath and treatment for uterine prolapse, reported the Boulder Daily Camera. The company refused to cover about $185,000 in medical bills from the accident.

The woman's attorney, Marc Levy, told the Camera he was "shocked, but obviously very gratified," at the jury's decision. He had asked for just $7 to $8 million.

Jury Gives $37 Million To Lafayette Woman Denied Insurance - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver


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