Back in February I wrote about the device and there’s a couple videos at the link below that shows how it works.  The device had FDA approval but not for fat imageremove and now it appears we have crossed that bridge and it has the ok from the FDA.

Zeltiq™ System That Sucks, Freezes And Eventually Kills the Fat Cells In Your Body – Non-invasive Procedure


It is a painless non invasive procedure.  It is successful for love handles and small imageareas of fat and costs $800.00 per each section of fat.  The video below shows how the device has been used in Irvine, CA.  One of the patients for this process was doctor John Heydt, president of the UCI Medical Center’s doctors group and he claimed the results were pretty good.  I like this, a doctor trying it out for his own results.  He had one 60 minute treatment and claims a 75% reduction with his fat, aka love handles. 

You can see from the picture, the device is on wheels.  The process used is called Cryolipolysis™ and had been approved already in Canada and in Europe.  The device was developed by doctors affiliated with Harvard Medical School.  The doctor said the only minor discomfort was a feeling like a minor sunburn and that is minor compared to surgery or liposuction.  If one is seriously obese, this is not the answer but can stand to help those with the love handle or abdominal small areas of fat that lurk that we just can’t seem to get rid of, especially with age.  BD 

The Food and Drug Administration has approved the CoolSculpting device from Zeltiq for use in shrinking “love handles” and small bulges of fat on the belly.

It is a non-invasive alternative for patients who otherwise would consider liposuction.

In clinical trials conducted as of late last year, patients treated with the Zeltiq device averaged about a 22 to 25 percent reduction in fat in love handles and abdomen.

FDA okays Zeltiq cooling device as fat-fighter | zeltiq, device, okays - Life - The Orange County Register


  1. Great article. Thanks for sharing the informative post..

  2. The freaking doctors who conducted the research that shows this device is safe that was submitted to the FDA are the same doctors who own stock in Zeltiq and who developed the technology. They are policing themselves so of course their research shows it is 'safe'. The FDA is does not care that they are accepting research from the makers of these devices. They are not safe. Sadly, it will take people being harmed or hurt over and over again..even then the FDA will do little.

  3. My procedure was done 5 days ago, so I really don't know what the final result will be. I'm making this post so that others will know what to expect. I had two one-hour treatments on the same day. First the right side of my tummy was done and then the left side. There was quite a bit of discomfort when the fat is sucked into the machine, but that discomfort goes away after about 10 minutes. I was surpised that the fat sucking cups are very small -- probably about 4" by 2" and about 3" deep. That's why I had to endue the procedure twice. Only so much fat could be placed into the machine. Please understand that I am certainly not obese -- I am a size 6. My stomach just has a pooch. To get the entire stomach area, the procedure had to be performed on each side of my belly button. When each hour ended, my skin felt frozen -- almost like hamburger meat, but that went away quickly. When I got home I noticed that bruising had already begun. The skin on my left side had been punctured so I had some bleeding. It is now 5 days later, and I'm in a lot of pain. The area is basiclly numb to the touch except for a shooting pain that begins in the same area where my bleeding occurred. I really feel ashamed of myself for spending $1,500 for this procedure. If I achieve the average result, then 20% of the fat that was sucked into those cups will disappear. I don't think that will be significant enough to even notice, but I hope that I'm wrong. Before you invest in this procedure, please ask your doctor to see the machine. I think that you'll be amazed at the very small area that will be treated.

  4. Thanks for This Blog, I added to my bookmarks.

  5. Thank you so much for the comprehensive information as very useful.

  6. I had my love handles done 48 hours ago. Skin looked like a big hicky at first. Now fading but still visible. I was able to go to the gym yesterday and didn't miss any work. Sore to the touch but not enough to complain about. I expected some discomfort... after all I did have fat frozen. My friend has her tummy done and had some bruising but no outline of the sucking pocket like I do. Her busing is fading quickly. I have rectangular red to had marks on my handles. I doesn't hurt to rub the area but I wouldn't squeeze down too deeply. I'll keep you posted.

  7. I had the procedure done on September 28th, 2012. The doctor used the bigger suction head for me so I only had to have the procedure done once. It was UNCOMFORTABLE to say the least. Seriously, I thought something had ruptured in my stomach. I almost had them stop the procedure, but they explained that I would lose the $1,400 if I did that. So after about 20 minutes I was able to stop doing the lamaze breathing. Once the procedure is done, the skin is numb. This has lasted for over a week so far. I have had to use Midol 2 to 3 times a day because of the pain. It is NOT painless. It does cause some discomfort because it's pulling the fat away from the body, so it feels like the inner fascia was impacted/torn. Normally I have a really high pain tolerance, so it's a rarity that I feel discomfort. Well, I truly did feel discomfort. Now, a week later, the numbness is wearing off and the pain is making itself known again. So more Midol to the rescue. If you are very fit, this will hurt. It might be easier for people that have more padding, but if you're a size 6 or less and are trying to get rid of the stubborn pooch that exercise won't get, then you'll probably need to take some form of pain medicine (advil, alleve, midol, etc). If you have stomach problems or a history of abdominal aneurisms in your family, you might want to find another procedure. However, compared to traditional liposuction, this is less invasive.

  8. I had the procedure done just under 2 years ago. I would not recommend doing it. Instead of melting away the fat, it actually froze my abdominal and my love handles into a larger hard mass. What was once my small belly fat and love handles turned into 3 large protruding masses in my mid section. I have had to undergo 1 lipo to help fix the problem and I know I will have to have it done again shortly as the first one didn't eliminate the hard mass. What was supposed to be a simple 2 month procedure, turned into an ongoing 2 year coolsculpting/lipo nightmare! If I wanted to do lipo I would have paid for lipo. To this day, no one at zeltiq has attempted to contact me to find out what happened. I would have thought they would atleast want to make sure it never happens to another person.

    1. Follow up to my previous comment. I have now had 2 separate lipo procedures to try to fix the issue caused from the cool sculpting. It has been about 4 months since the second lipo and I am about to where I was before all of this started. So I went through the cool sculpting, 2 separate lipo procedures, about $4000 in cash to get me back to where I was before I had the Cool Sculpting. To say the very least, I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THIS!!!!

  9. I had the CoolSculpting procedure performed one week ago (3 separate applications). I am a slender 55 year old male with a small stomach pooch that would not go away no matter how many crunches I did. During the 2nd procedure, I felt what seemed to be either a severe muscle cramp or pull, or some other body tissue being sucked into the machine. Whereas it was quite painful, I alerted the nurses immediately, but they did not seem to be concerned. I have since developed a hard lump where this occurred. I saw the doctor yesterday to make sure that everything was alright. I was told that most likely the fat was deeply bruised and if I had an MRI it would most likely show a pocket of blood. I was assured that both the pain and lump would subside. It was suggested that I ice the area. The doctor and his staff had never experienced this reaction before. Has anyone else, and if so, did it go away and how long for that to happen? Worried.

  10. Coolsculpting can be very successful on the right candidate for the procedure. Depending on the are being treated, different areas can be more sensitive. The abdomen seems to be the most sensitive area for treatment, even more so depending on the size of applicator used (which depends on the size of the treatment area). Aching, cramping, tingling, and stinging can occur during treatment as well as immediately following the treatment. Cramping sensations can occur as well especially during the last 10 minutes of treatment as the applicator performs a "massage" action. Some people feel or experience this, others do not. Numbness is also fairly common and can last for weeks after treatment. Typically more of a tender, bruised sensation is experienced following treatment that resolves within a week or two. Some people have reported having pain or tenderness in a delayed fashion and don't experience it until weeks after treatment. When the applicator is first removed the area sticks up like a stick of butter! However, it is very important that this is immediately massaged for 2 minutes and immediately goes down and the person doing the treatment can feel and massage any areas that may feel ridged or hard. Another suggestion too, is to avoid taking any aspirin containing meds for 2 weeks prior to treatment and after as these thin your blood and can cause even more bruising. Midol included! Tylenol or extra strength Tylenol is a safe alternative.


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